If you are looking for relevant images for your website then the usual start is to Google for some to use, or purchase Stock ones.
Googling can bring up some images, however remember that all creative (art, photography, music etc.) is Copyright material. Generally speaking, in the UK copyright in images lasts for the life of the creator plus 70 years from the end of the calendar year of their death (gov.uk). Owners can come after you with their Lawyers, the larger stock sites have automated tools to find unlawful online usage and the fines can be hefty. I know as I fell foul of this when I bought another Business. There was a miniscule image from a Press Report unknowingly reproduced and it was discovered by their Bots.
I ended up doing the honourable thing & paying the fee demanded. You can also be pretty sure that I scoured all my owned websites and replaced any third-party images that I didn't know the ownership of!
Stock images can be good, but all too often they look like stock images - all those pristine Doctors in white coats and stethoscopes and impeccably groomed staff or patients. Clipart and icons are all too commonly used, so you see them popping up everywhere.
If you subscribe to our Strategic package you will get access to our image library for use on your website for the duration of your subscription. Whist it is non-exclusive use, these are shared in much lower volumes so they are less likely to be found on similar websites. In addition, they are, in our opinion anyway, more 'natural'.