It’s hard to get going when you are setting up as a Trainer. So much to learn as a Business owner. So much to do to get found. So much paperwork. How do you do it all when you are teaching all the time?

I can help you develop your career as a First Aid Trainer and to work smarter, not harder. I can help you with your Business, find clients and streamline your processes. I can help you make more money for less effort.

If you are on Facebook, do subscribe to this page for more conversations…

About Andy

Andy is an experienced First Aid Trainer and Business owner. He set up his first Ltd Business in 1997, although he’s run side hustles since his Schooldays. It turned over £1M in its first 4 years.

He has been a First Aider since 1985, First Aid Trainer since 1987 and Community Responder since 2005 (resigned 2019).

He can put that experience to work helping you develop your Training career.

Click here for Andy’s full CV.

Turbocharge your career

If you want help getting going, or are already established, but going nowhere , or you want to make that jump from Freelancer to Business owner let Andy guide you through the process and support you along the way. Read on for more details….

Lead generation

One of the biggest problems in building up your Business is finding and winning new clients. With our collection of specialist websites all focussing on bringing in new leads we can feed these on to you to pitch for. Read on for more details…